Hawthorn Berry 1:2 Elixir 50ml $25.00

Hawthorn Berry is primarily a herb for the heart, blood and circulation. It is a specific remedy for a broken, damaged or tired heart – both emotionally and physiologically – and is often prescribed after a cardiac event or heart surgery to support repair (note that it should not be taken alongside cardiac pharmaceuticals without professional guidance). Research confirms that Hawthorn tonifies the cardiac muscle (as folk herbalists have known for thousands of years), and protects the heart with it’s high antioxidant profile, and it is also a ‘peripheral vasodilator’ which encourages blood flow to the most miniscule capillaries in the tips of our fingers and toes, enriching the micro circulation of the body. Blood has the dual role of carrying nutrition where it is needed, while carrying away wastes that are ready for release. It is this reason that Hawthorn is also a little used remedy for the skin, particularly dry skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis, as it supports the vessels for better perfusion of blood and therefore nourishment.

It can be taken by those with a strong family history of cardiac illness as a preventative, and to offer guidance for re-patterning difficult heart-held narratives we no longer wish to carry forward or perpetuate.

On a more emotional or energetic level, Hawthorn helps heal a broken heart, restoring it’s natural boundaries and structures, so that it can keep on serving life. It offers guidance and renegotiating of what flows in and out of our energetic space, lending it’s thorns where appropriate. A plant typically used as hedgerows, and foundational to the term ‘Hedge Witch’, Hawthorn reminds us that regulating the permeability of our being is essential to make sure we can both receive what we need and release what we don’t, while protecting ourselves from harm or ill will.

As the heart and the blood are so central to our vitality and general wellbeing, it is a wonderful herb to get to know. Especially in a world where maintaining an open heart costs more than it should.


50ml of the Hawthorn Berry Elixir in an amber bottle with dropper, and an info card with care instructions and recommended uses. Contains 50+ doses depending on amount used.


Take 1-3 droppers full, 1-3 times daily either on its own, in a little water, or in a warm (not boiling) beverage such as chai, cacao or herbal tea. This elixir is particularly good in a hot beverage. It can also be placed on an altar in honouring of The Sun or Venus.


Hawthorn Berry was harvested on April 3rd, Mercury’s day, during the hours of the Sun and Venus.


Locally foraged Hawthorn Berries, Organic Honey, Sugar Cane Alcohol (approx 30%), and spring water.


Hawthorn Berry is considered a safe herb with low toxicity, though caution and professional guidance is recommended when used alongside any cardiac medications such as those that modulate blood pressure.

This information has not been evaluated by the TGA. These products are not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent disease.