Typically when I lean in to Ancestral conversation, I imagine myself roots deep in the Great Below, connecting with the bones in the earth, singing up those held by the soil. So I was curious and grateful to the forget-me-nots that called me to work with them and the Ancestors, when rather than a cave leading down, they offered me a ladder leading up, calling me into a divine connection with the Great Above, and Father Sky. As the cluster of forget-me-not flowers begins to bloom, with each new flower the stem surges further up up up, creating a little ladder buds, blossoms and empty calyxes as the plant eventually goes into its seeding phase. The dainty sky blue flowers connect through this ascending dance, with their white and yellow hollow centers acting as the channel for conversation and knowledge. Thinking about this, I wondered about the kinds of Ancestors waiting for us to connect with them in the great above – beings of cloud and sky, wind and rain, star and planet and sun and moon. It was a precious gift remembering the unfathomably ancient lineage we ALL hold that transcends humanity, and links us to the stardust floating about in the cosmos.
This Forget-me-not flower essence is at its heart a REMEMBERING of our place in this vast cosmos through divine connection to the Ancestors of sky, wind, rain, cloud and star. While we must learn to tend the ancestors of our heritage to be well on both the earthly and otherworldly planes, there is a particular type of confirmation and proof of life and purpose that is available to us when we look up. This essence connects us to these sky ancestors, while facilitating clear expression and communication between us and them. Importantly though, really, the Forget-me-nots are reminding us that the ‘us and them’ construct is just that – a construct – and that the reality in fact is that we are only as separate from the cosmos as we believe we are.
When working with the Tarot, this essence has resonance with The Star, and the Ace and Ten of Cups. It could be leaned on as an antidote to troubling themes encountered within the Five of Pentacles or The Devil.
Forget-me-nots can be called upon to:
connect to the divine wisdom of the Great Above and the language of sky, wind, rain, cloud and star
remember our most ancient lineage as being rooted in the stars and cosmos
invite a more lived connection with our healed and well ancestors
facilitate clear expression, communication and conversation with our ancestors and the sky wisdom available from the Great Above
work more deeply with the Ace or Ten of Cups, The Star, or as an antidote to issues arising from the Five of Pentacles of The Devil
A 50ml Forget-me-not Flower Essence in an amber glass bottle, with black dropper lid. Contains approximately 100+ doses.
All Flower Essences come bearing a beautiful information card with recommendations and ritual for connecting to your new plant ally.
Internal Application: Flower Essences can be taken internally in drop doses, and is recommended at seven drops twice daily for lasting effects and facilitating deeper change, while seven drops as needed offers a more temporary or transient shift towards the gifts and expressions of the essence.
External Application: Used topically you can add a few drops to acupressure or pulse points such as the wrists, neck, or third eye. It can also be added to creams, baths, altars, or used for ritual practice.
Created on 19.09.2022 at approx 11:30am. At this time Mercury, Venus and the Sun were all moving through the midheaven, the topmost part of the sky, through Virgo and Libra. A Grand Square was formed between the Ascendant in Capricorn, Jupiter in Aries, the Moon in Cancer and Mercury in Libra, creating a potent creative tension and structure amongst the angular houses and these planets which bring a collection of themes around communication, wisdom, manifestation and growth. With Mercury and Jupiter in near perfect opposition and both retrograde, there is an opportunity here for review through connection to things of the past, for the sake of what is to be manifest and built in the future, if we bring the willingness to challenge what we once knew and grow into a more informed and honest way of being.
This was not a purposely elected essence, but the answer to a call from the Green World (as most of these essences are).
Vibrational infusion of Forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica.), Spring Water, Brandy (preservative). Contains approx 20-25% alcohol.
Traditionally Forget-me-not is considered a safe herb with few to no risk factors, with some species being edible.
These products and information have not been evaluated by the TGA, and are not intended to cure or treat disease. The information provided contains descriptions of traditional uses, and are intended for informational purposes only.
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